Are you cut out to be a PA?
Not everyone will succeed at being a PA or go on to AD work, so understanding each job in the business and how to transition into another department is crucial. Each workshop offers a fresh perspective and unique experience to the students, with an ever-changing group of instructors and guest speakers. Check out some of our past workshops below.
The accessibility to resources and job leads was great! I wouldn’t have gotten that same exposure anywhere else. I appreciated the no-nonsense and realistic approach to the nature of this industry. Linda Burns and her panel of experts gave us what we needed to hear, not what we wanted to hear.
Bootcamp—breaks you down to build you up! Linda Burns was like a drill Sargent never, letting up. But, seriously, she kicked our asses because we needed it to see just how grueling this glamorous industry can be, while also being fun and magical—just like Bootcamp.
Hearing information and advice from those currently working in the industry was a big selling point for me. I have worked on set in some capacity with almost everyone who spoke at our class since then, and it was awesome to see the real world application of their words and advice.
I liked that the lecturers didn’t sugarcoat details. They reminded us that there is a grind that takes time and patience. The hands-on aspects were just as important, tent set up, walkie protocol, basic set up and take downs.
Learn from Industry Experts
Set PA Duties and Responsibilities
Set PA Mel Norris explains what to expect as an Add’l or Dayplayer on a feature film or TV series.
We’re All On The Same Team
Union 2nd AC, Victoria K. Warren, discusses how production and camera work together to make movie magic. (And self-care. Only you can take care of you!)
Location Assistant Roles
Locations Manager Chris Sands explains the locations department, and the entry level position of Location Assistant.
Explore Other Crafts
Union Best Boy Girl Grip, Paige Jarvis, and former attendee and union grip Wesley “Smiles” Miles discuss grip and other careers in the industry.
Succeed in the Camera Department
Union 2nd AC, Dwight Campbell, discusses careers within the camera department and how to succeed.
Giving Back
DGA, 1st AD, Ronnie Hodge-Hampton, shares the importance of diversity on the set, giving back, and mentoring the next generation of women and minorities.
Supporting the Team
DGA 1st AD, JD Taylor, shows how to “set background”, or place extras in a scene.
Breakdowns and Schedules
DGA 1st AD, Jerry Pece, shows an old school strip board used for scheduling movies after each scene is broken down into all its’ elements.
Hard Truths About The Industry
Episodic TV Director and former DGA 1st AD, Angela Gomes, explains some harsh realities for those starting out in the industry.
Georgia Needs Accountants
Accounting clerk and former attendee, Haley Sands, discusses career opportunities in the accounting department.
Opportunities in Post-Production
Inez Chambers, former attendee and current union Assistant Editor, discusses Dailes Tech and Post PA duties.
Practice Real-Life, Hands-On PA Duties
Sign Out Walkie Talkies
PAs start the day counting the inventory, building, then signing out walkie talkies.
Set Up Video Village
Commercial PAs deal with directors chairs, but the props department handles them in film and television.
The Importance of Taking Good Notes
A production assistant without a notebook and pen is a PA without a job.
Discover Where To Find Resources
Oz Publishing produces the GA Sourcebook, as well as Special Edition resources for newbies and a bi-monthly GA industry magazine.
Set-Up & Tear Down Tents
Attendees set-up pop up tents with sides, something all locations PAs need to know.
Read Location Maps and Callsheets
Workshop attendees learn to read location maps, understanding where to find crew parking and basecamp.
Properly Wrap Directors Chairs
Become an expert in the art of quick behind-the-set set-up, keeping chair backs clean.
Tour PC&E’s Grip & Lighting Warehouse
Stay in Your Lane
Know which equipment a PA can touch and which is handled by union grips and electrics.
Network, Make Friends & Get Career Advice
Great Food!
Catered by Fresh World Cuisine, their food will feed your soul, and nourish your mind and body.
Former Students Give Great Advice
Learn how they got their start, what they’ve learned, and how to avoid their mistakes.